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STEM Hub Collaboratories are cross-sector work groups with a targeted focus on the four strategic areas of Empowered Educators, Community CollaborationCareer Connected Learning, and Early Learning. Each collaboratory is intended to be of direct value to those involved, while also guiding the Hub in its work. Collaboratory meetings occur approximately quarterly. The STEM Hub's Leadership Advisory Council also provides guidance to Hub initiatives and strategic plan and meets approximately biannually.


Interested in joining one or more collaboratories?

  • Empowered Educators Collaboratory: A cross-section of educators and administrators from our 5-county Oregon region who work in general education (PreK-elementary) and STEM (middle/HS). The long-term outcome is to empower and equip educators who are confident in teaching STEM and engaging all learners, especially those underrepresented in STEM.

  • Career Partners Collaboratory: A group of leaders around CCL and work-based learning (WBL) in their county or a broader region within the Gorge. The long-term outcome is for all youth in the Gorge to be aware of the manufacturing, technology, healthcare, and construction careers in the region and beyond, and understand the pathways to pursue them.

  • Connected Community Collaboratory: Leaders focused on out-of-school learning that includes or focuses on STEM. The long-term outcome is for Gorge community members and families to view STEM skills as important for their children's success, and they encourage engagement in STEM opportunities.

  • Early Learning Advisory Collaboratory: A cross-section of educators, parents and community organizations from across 5-county region that focuses on Early Learning. The long-term outcome is to develop a community of practice for educators, parents and organizations, as well as facilitate an Early Learning Regional Summit. *

  • Leadership Advisory Council: Leadership Advisory Council members provide guidance to our Hub, in regards to our mission, vision and strategic plan. Our Leadership Advisory Council reviews our impact report and provides recommendations regarding areas of strengths and potential for improvement or growth. 

School and School Districts Represented: South Wasco County High School, North Wasco County School District, Hood River County School District, Arlington School District, Dufur School District, Columbia Gorge Community College, ESD 112 - Career Connect Southwest WA, North Central ESD, Oregon State University Extension - Gilliam County, Oregon Science Teachers Association

Industry Represented: One Community Health, Childcare Partners, Hood River Prevention Department, Trillium Engineering, The Next Door, Inc., East Cascades Works, Jacobs Engineering, Sightline Applications, Innovative Composite Engineering, Gorge Technology Alliance, Mid-Columbia Economic Development District, D.A. Davidson & Co, Insitu, Wasco County 4-H


Columbia Gorge STEM Hub

Columbia Gorge Education Service District (CGESD)

400 E Scenic Dr #207

The Dalles, OR 97058

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Columbia Gorge STEM Hub, a program of Columbia Gorge Education Service District, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, marital status, national origin, age, sexual orientation or disability in its programs and activities. For more information and inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies see CGESD Title IX Information.

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