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Hands-On STEM at home

Below are activities we normally run in our after-school Maker Club programs, adapted so you can do them at home with your children! We've also included a few other great resources.


Here's how to use these guides:

  • Download the PDF for an activity you like.

  • Gather the materials listed, read through the activity, and do it with your kid!

  • Don't be afraid to stray from the activity guide! Often, better learning happens that way.

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A Week of STEM 

A 7-page packet of STEM activities. From Make-It Monday to Soaring Sunday, get in to STEM all week long!

Time: 15-30 minutes

Ages: 7-14


Make paper airplanes!

Learn how to fold a classic paper airplane, and experiment to make it fly in different ways!


Time: 20-50 minutes

Ages: 6+


Build a Boat!

Learn about Archimedes' Principle, and use the concept of buoyancy to build a boat!


Time: 30-60 minutes

Ages: 6+


Bridge Challenge!

Learn about what makes bridges strong, build a bridge under requirements just like a real engineering project!

Time: 20-60 minutes

Ages: 6+


Tower challenge!

Learn how skyscrapers withstand earthquakes through building your own miniature skyscraper!


Time: 30-60 minutes

Ages: 7+

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STEM Cards

52 cards, STEM activities to do with materials at home. Hands-on, Qs & tips included. Thanks to Cincinnati STEM Collaborative for sharing!

Time: 15-30 minutes

Ages: 3-14


Balloon-powered car!

Learn about wheels, axles, and make a balloon-powered car!



Time: 20-60 minutes

Ages: 6+


Launcher challenge!

Learn about potential and kinetic energy, and create a launcher for paper crumples!


Time: 30-60 minutes

Ages: 7+


Musical instruments!

Learn about the science of sound and make your own musical instruments!



Time: 20-60 minutes

Ages: 6+


Build a cardboard arcade!

Use recycled materials and the engineering process to build a cardboard arcade game!


Time: 2+ hours

Ages: 7+


Pasta tower challenge!

Learn about why it's OK to fail, especially for engineers, while building towers with spaghetti and marshmallows!

Time: 15-30 minutes

Ages: 5+


Learn to Blueprint!

Learn about blueprinting, the process engineers use to create plans, and use it to show how objects around your house are built!

Time: 20-45 minutes

Ages: 6+


Make a Parachute!

Learn about drag, and harness the power of air resistance to create a parachute!


Time: 20-60 minutes

Ages: 6+


Make a marble/ball run!

Image credit: Robert Hunt via Flickr

Use recycled materials to create a fun marble run, while using elements of the engineering process!

Time: 20-60 minutes

Ages: 6+

Columbia Gorge STEM Hub

Columbia Gorge Education Service District (CGESD)

400 E Scenic Dr #207

The Dalles, OR 97058


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Columbia Gorge STEM Hub, a program of Columbia Gorge Education Service District, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, marital status, national origin, age, sexual orientation or disability in its programs and activities. For more information and inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies see CGESD Title IX Information.

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